Monday, April 26, 2010

Scratch Assignment 2

Here is another doodle that i was playing around with my favorite part when i make these doodle is making the hair. i need to learn more on how to make better shadowing on the clothing. i was playing around with differnt shades of color to see how it would look.

Scratch Assignment 1

Here is just a picture that i was just playing around with. I kinda gave it an anime look just because that ussally my style of drawling. There is still alote of things i need to work on when it comes to drawling on a sketch pad onto the computer. i couldnt think of a type of scenery but this is how it turned out.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Week 4-Persoanal Image

Here is week 4 personal image of mine. i was just playing around with different tools and this is what came out. i used a picture and pretty much just made him into an snowbaurder other dimension where things happen that you cant explain

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Week 4-Self Portrait

This is a picture of me running off the wall and backflipping. It doesn't look like it because the picture was taken a few seconds too late.

Week 4-Research Image

This a Picture that someone took of a volcano erupting. Now although volcanos are deadly and u should try to avoid one at all costs. when i look at this picture i think that it cool of what the smoke does to the sky and how it can change a climate at any moment.

Alphabet Soup

This is the tope of a salt and pepper tray from dairy queen i thought it looks like the letter O.

Alphabet Soup

This is the end of Bags of chips clip. it shaped into the letter V.

Alphabet Soup

Here is a letter C that i found on my friends lawn in his front yard. I guess if you look at it it can also look like an L.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Week 3-self portrait

Nothing special just me trying to look like a monster. my victim is lying behind me. Muuaaahhhhhhaaaahaaa.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Week-3 Research Image

This is a waterfall and i chose to research about this because ive always wanted to see a waterfall in person. i think its such a relaxing view. when i look at this picture i want to be there.

RIP Joey

RIP Joey This link is a video i made for joey using animoto. Please Watch!!!!!

Week 3-Personal Image

On March 31,2010 Joey Ayala was just walking home at 1:30 at night and a car pulled up and shot him. He didn't deserve this. He was only 19 years old and i ust to live with his family and i considered him as one of my own brothers. It kills me to see how much pain everyone one is going through. Rest in Peace Joey You will be miss.

Week 2-Self Portrait

Who doesnt want to be in a picture with bug bunny. Man me and bugs bunny go way back. Me and Bugs would always play pranks on daffy. He would get so mad so Daffy teamed up with Elmer Fudd to try to get us back but there plan back fired.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Week 2-Research Image

I chose this image because Ive always liked sunsets. It so relaxing watching the sunset. it allows me to just think about anything and let yourself go of all your stress that you carry through out your life.

Week 2- Personal Image

This is a drawling that i made in photoshop with a digital pen. I love drawing anime and Ive always drawn it on paper by doing sketches. so i thought i would try on a computer and i love it. what gave me the idea on how my drawling looks what from another anime show.

Week 1- Research Image

I chose this image because i love to snowboard and i found this picture very interesting because i always wanted to take my snowbaurding experience to new heights. I hope to be this good at someday. Im not good enough to get this much air but i feel overtime i can get better snowbaurding

Week 1-Self Portrait

I just thought it would be funny to add a picture of me in the movie poster. I tryed to blend my self into the picture so that way it loks like that i am on the movie.

Week 1 - Personal Image

Here's something i was playing around with. it is a picture of the golden gate bridge and i wanted to have planets form around that looks like there about to explode.